Jean Rosenfeld, PH'd, ACO

Historian & Senior Associate



Dr. Jean Rosenfeld is a Canadian historian with expertise in architecture and built heritage. Her interests include Canada and colonialism; art and architecture; contemporary and pre-columbian art. Dr. Rosenfeld serves as Adjunct Professor of History & Visual Arts at York University and the Department of History, Sir Wilfrid University.



Dr. Rosenfeld serves as the Fossil Hill Group senior consultant for clients requiring Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and Architectural Restoration. She also serves as Educational Consultant for the Fossil Hill Groups' Museum Education Program (Public History), and Collections Management Services.



Interests include Ethnographic research, Canadian Aboriginal Art, Canada and Colonialism.


Selected Publications

Rosenfeld, Jean,

2001 A Noble House in the City: Domestic Architecture as Elite Significance in the Late 19th Century Hamilton Guelph: University of Guelph (Dissertations)


Address & Contact Information

Clients are welcome to contact us at our Intelligent Office® located in Hamilton

Contact: The Fossil Hill Group
Address: One Hunter Street East, Ground Floor
Hamilton, Ontario L8W 3W1
Phone: (289) 627-1630; Fax:(905) 777-7833
Toll Free:(866)927-6605
Email: The Fossil Hill Group