Thomas G. Arnold BA. MA. PHD APA

Senior Archaeologist & Associate (External)



Dr. Tom Arnold has a Ph.D in Archaeology from Simon Fraser University, M.A. in Archaeology from University of Calgary and a Hons. BA in Anthropology from the University of Western Ontario. He has over 30 years of experience in archaeology which includes work in Ontario, Western Canada, the Maritimes, Newfoundland and Fiji.Dr. Arnold has experience in research, education and cultural resource management. Tom's extensive cultural resource management experience includes private sector, museum and government agencies.



Dr.Tom Arnold serves as Senior Archaeologist and Consultant for clients requiring Archaeological Resource Management and Collections Management Services. He has extensive experience with Historic Euro-Canadian, Pre-Contact Nations archaeological sites



Interests include lithic studies, palaeoenvironments,


Selected Publications

Books & Monographs,

2006 The Ice-Free Corridor: Biogeographic Highway of Environmental Cul-De-Sac.Simon Fraser University (Dissertations)

1985 A Comparison of Plano Complexes. University of Calgary (Thesis)

Selected Papers

2007 A Simple Portable Electrolysis Instrument Kewa 07: 1-8
2002 Radiocarbon dates from the Ice-Free Corridor. Radiocarbon 44(2): 437-454
1992 The Camp Orenda Archaeological Survey. ArchNotes 92(2): 7-10
Arnold Thomas G., Robert Mayer & Arnie Feast
1990 Isolating Late Archaic and Middle Woodland components on the Betrand Russel, Henry Mogentaler & Agnes McPail Sites
ArchNotes 90(1): 5-10


Address & Contact Information

Clients are welcome to contact us at our Intelligent Office® located in Hamilton

Contact: The Fossil Hill Group
Address: One Hunter Street East, Ground Floor
Hamilton, Ontario L8W 3W1
Phone: (289)627-1630; Fax: (905) 777-7833
Toll Free:(866)927-6605
Email: The Fossil Hill Group